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Never Have I Ever Page 4
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Page 4
“Let me put the fire out, then we can go, okay?”
I nodded and he flashed another smile at me.
Damn, that smile gets me every time.
For the next few minutes, Carlos focused on putting out the fire, while I straightened out the living room. I folded the blanket and placed the empty beer bottles in a nearby trash can. By the time I returned from the trash the fire was out.
“About ready to go?” he asked. I nodded and he took my hand.
“What about the blanket?” I asked looking at the folded fabric.
“I’ll return it tomorrow.”
I nodded adjusting my hat and gloves and then followed Carlos outside.
The temperature dropped significantly crossing campus. The cold hit me like a hard slap as the mountain air blew between us. The quiet of the night was unsettling, as only the whistle of the wind could be heard. The large campus was deserted, and we were the only people walking.
“Damn it’s cold,” I commented as I moved closer to Carlos.
He grinned at me and placed an arm over my shoulder bringing me closer to him. “I thought you said you’re a West Virginian gal. You’re acting like you’re from Florida. Show some pride!” He teased.
“Hey, I get cold like everyone else.” I retorted. I playfully punched him, and he laughed.
“Do you want to continue the game?”
“Oh, you just want to get a kiss.”
“Not at all. I’m just competitive. The kiss is a bonus.”
I gave out a half laugh. “You must like losing a lot. Take your best shot.” I grinned holding up my index finger. He held one up as well whilst he thought of his next question.
“Never have I ever gone streaking.”
“I guess you won the game.” I placed one finger down and smiled at him.
He gave me a shocked expression as he looked at me. “When did you go streaking?”
“Freshman year. I did it as a dare. What can I say, I have a wild side.”
“More like a criminal side. Streaking is a misdemeanor in the state of North Carolina.”
I rolled my eyes, and then slapped him on the shoulder.
He grinned at my overreaction. It was like he enjoyed pushing my buttons.
“What are you, a narc?”
“Maybe. Perhaps, this entire date was a ruse. A four-year sting operation to grab the famed Eastcliff University streaker. You should check if I’m wearing a wire.”
“And what’s the best way of doing that?”
He moved closer to me and whispered, “Getting me shirtless, is the usual method.”
Our faces were inches apart as we stared into each other’s eyes. The temperature may be frigid, but in his arms, it felt like we were still by the fire. The tighter he held me, the more my breathing grew sporadic.
“You won,” I whispered with a heavy breath. “Are you not going to take your prize?”
Carlos grinned leaning forward. I puckered my lips, waiting for the moment, I had craved the entire night.
As he moved closer, I placed my forefinger on his lips. “Wait. No tongue.”
“I would never. Remember I’m a southern gentleman.” He grinned, and continued his descent down to my lips, but he paused before reaching them.
Damnit. Why does he kept egging me on like this?
“Wait, this isn’t right. You should get to ask a question.”
“Why? The game is over. You won.”
“What if I don’t want the game to end? This night has been one of the best nights of my life. If I kiss you, then the night would be over. I don’t want that. Instead I want to stay here close to you. I want to blanket you in my arms taking in your warm aroma. I want this night to last an eternity. I want to curse the damn clock as it moves forward each second as I know that each second ticking till morning is another moment stolen away from me being with you.”
His large hands locked around my arms and brought me closer. We gazed into each other’s eyes, and as he spoke, Carlos eyes were brighter than a lighthouse, lighting up the darkened campus. His right hand cupped my cheek. Our eyes never broke contact as his thumb rubbed my skin, causing me to shudder.
“This night has been a wonderful dream and a simple kiss would break its spell and wake me up. I don’t want that. I’m not ready to wake up. I never want to wake up. What I want is you, and the only way to have you longer is for this game to go into overtime.”
He took my breath away. Seriously he did. I’d forgotten how to breathe as I stood there staring at him. I’m sure what my heart and lungs were doing at that moment was physically impossible. Even a cardiologist would be baffled by the feat.
What the hell is this feeling? It is a feeling of being enlightened and being lighter than air. Is there a word for this? I feel it at my tip of my tongue, but I can’t describe it. Hell, I’m an English major, I’ve read thousands of books, I know a million different words, but I can’t describe this one feeling. What sort of black magic is this? There was a different game being played here. A game I didn’t expect.
“There’s no such thing as overtime in Never Have I Ever.” I found myself stuttering like a fool.
“New rule then, overtime rules state that if the score is one to one, then both players must reach zero. Then the game will end.”
“Deal, never have I ever jumped in the fountain?”
Carlos laughed at my statement.
“You’ve gone streaking as a freshman, but you haven’t hopped in the fountain over there? Jumping in that fountain is a right of passage here at Eastcliff. Some even say you don’t graduate if you don’t jump in there at least once.”
“Bullshit rumor.”
“How do you know?”
“Because there would be people swimming in that fountain every day. It’s a bullshit lie.”
“I’ve never lied to you Christina. Not once. I can never lie to you,” he said placing his hands on my cheek.
Screw the game. Kiss me. KISS ME RIGHT HERE.
He took his hand off my cheek and lowered his finger, showing me a fingerless hand.
The game is over. Now kiss me!
However, the kiss I yearned for never came. Instead he took a step back and took off his jacket.
“Could you hold this?”
“What are you doing?”
“I’m streaking,” he replied. He removed his shirt, then unbuckled his jeans.
“You’re streaking…” I repeated breathless, I wanted to ask him more, but I was flashed by his rippled brown skin.
Can someone have that many abs?
My mind was lost as I stared at his abdomen. Each ridge was distinct as they ran down his waist, and his brown skin highlighted each muscle perfectly. I’ve done my share of crunches but have never neared the shape of his.
Is this what perfection looks like?
My eyes slowly trekked down further. Every inch of him made my mouth water.
“What? Wait…What? Huh?” I stuttered.
I’ve lost all ability to speak. What am I?
I cleared my throat and attempted to put together a simple sentence. “Why are you streaking again?” I asked becoming less focused as his removed jeans.
“The game is over, at zero, but like I said. I don’t want this night to end. Another new rule. If the person does one of the things, they said they have never done before, they can earn a point back.”
I simply nodded as I held a deer in headlights look. My breath caught once he removed his boxers. I’ve seen plenty of guys naked, but nothing compared to Carlos. My body surged with lust. I could feel myself grow wet as I looked at him fit body. He kicked off his shoes and handed me the rest of his clothes.
“God it’s cold!” he shouted as he jogged around trying to get warm.
Not from where I’m standing. Damn. Hellooo Carlos, I thought as I took in every inch of him.
Every inch.
I craved him the longer I stared at his naked body. What would happen if these clothes disappea
red in a tree? Oh, I wonder if I can put them in the fountain?
“Alright, the plan is this, I’m going to run to the fountain, touch it then run back. I think that’s a long enough time to consider it streaking right?”
I couldn’t perform any basic functions. I could have sworn drool was falling from my lips as I stared at his body.
“Yes, umm… yes… the fountain… is a good spot.”
“Okay, be right back.” He turned and dashed to the fountain.
I was hypnotized watching his ass sway. It was perfect. It was tight, had a muscular shape, and best of all grippable.
Grippable? Is that a word? Fuck it, it’s a new word.
Impure thoughts filtered in my brain as I imagined him on top of me. Taking my breath away as I felt his many inches surged through me. My only lifeline from screaming my lungs out and waking the neighbors was to grab a hold of his ass.
Forgive me Father for I have sinned.
Carlos touched the edge of the fountain and sprinted back. He still wore the same grin from before. He arrived back in front of me taking deep breathes.
“It’s freezing. Can I get my clothes back?”
“My clothes.” He gave me an all-knowing grin as he repeated himself.
“Yes…yes of course here you go.” I said handing him his jeans and jacket.
“Thank you,” he replied dressing quickly.
Damn. Why didn’t I throw the clothes in the tree again?
“Alright, it’s your turn,” Carlos said adjusting his ski cap.
“My turn for what?” This time I wasn’t playing dumb. I had no idea what he meant.
“On making the score one to one. You need to hop in the fountain,” he said, pointing to the landscape decoration in the center of the quad.
“No, I do not. The game is one to zero. Since you’ve run, we’re back in overtime now.”
Carlos leaned back and chuckled like Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura. I copied his laughter as well. Neither of us were budging on our ideals. As we stood and laughed, snow began to gently fall around us.
“Now I’m really not hopping in that water,” I said watching the precipitation fall from above.
“Yes, you are.” Carlos repeated.
“Carlos, I’ll catch hypothermia.”
“No, you won’t. Do you trust me?” He extended a hand and smiled. I didn’t know what power forced my hand to grab his. It was twenty degrees outside and snowing, but I found my hand inching towards his. Once our hands connected, we walked towards the fountain, hopped on the edge of the concrete barrier and stood looking down at the water being filled with snow. Silently, we both took our phones out and placed them on the concrete beside us, and then looked back at each other.
“At the count of three, we hop in. Okay?”
I nodded. My heartbeat was rushing as I looked at the icy dark water.
Carlos smiled at me and said, “One…two…three!”
We held hands as the ice cold water collided with us. As the water hit my skin it felt like millions of pins and needles pinching me. The water was waist high when I regained my balance from the jump. While my body didn’t go underwater, my clothes remained drenched as I stood holding Carlos’ hand.
“It’s one to one now. The game is still on.”
“I know,” He grabbed my lower waist and dragged me closer. His lips landed on top of mine and I finally received the sweet gift I’ve been waiting for.
It was like opening a present on Christmas Day as his lips danced across mine. His lips felt cold at first but as they rubbed against mine, they warmed me up like no heater could. His beard was like a perfect blanket as it warmed my delicate skin. The water we stood in no longer felt cold or frigid. The snow that fell around us melted the instant it touched us. The air tasted sweet and minty. Everything was perfect. It was as if the universe wanted us to kiss, it wanted us to share a special moment, it wanted us to be together.
My fingers found themselves gliding across his cheeks, hair and ass. I’m not sure how long we stayed in the water kissing, but it was magical, unreal, and raw. Everything you wanted to experience in your first kiss, I felt. When we finally broke apart, we stood smiling. He played with my cheek and then pushed my hair behind my ear.
“That was…”
“…Amazing.” He finished.
I grinned and tiptoed up to his mouth giving him another kiss. Afterwards, his forehead rested on mine taking in every breath I made.
“Who said you could get seconds? There was only supposed to be one kiss.” Carlos grinned.
“New rule.”
“When did you start making rules?”
“When you took my breath away.” I didn’t want this moment to end. We now shared a common goal. A goal of making sure this night never ends. “Did you want to keep playing the game at my place?” I asked.
Hitting the Showers
I could barely close the door before his lips found mine. I’m not sure if we were even interested in playing the game any more. His passion was like a wave I was swept into. I found myself being hoisted in his burly arms as he carried me across my living room. His face nuzzled into my chest, while my arms and legs wrapped around him like a vine on a tree. Leading him by his stubbly chin, I moved his lips towards mine and we kissed once more.
“Where’s your shower,” he growled in a husky voice.
“To the left,” I gasped, out of breath.
He carried me into the bathroom like a barbarian claiming his prize. With one hand, he flicked on the water in the shower. While the steam was rising in the room, he placed me down and tore off his wet jacket. The drenched cloth made a hard slap, as it landed on my bathroom tile. I removed my pink pea coat and stripped away my shirt. If I could have captured his face when he saw me in my bra I would have. A goofy grin appeared on his face at the sight of my chest. I removed my underwear, tossed it on the pile and grinned back at him. He seemed to be having a similarly rough time at seeing me naked as I did earlier.
“Something wrong?” I asked playfully.
“You’re beautiful.” He breathed. I gave a nervous smile as he leaned in and kissed me. Lock-lipped we moved into the shower. He kissed me everywhere- my lips, cheeks, neck and breasts. Each delicate touch sent electric shocks throughout my body. My hunger for him grew with every kiss. My fingers were on a path of their own as they traveled and explored his body. They combed through this hair, glided over his pectorals and abdominals and quivered when they grazed his hardened length.
“Please don’t stop,” I found myself moaning as his fingers tickled down my stomach. Lower and lower they went until I felt them inside me. They probed me gently at first, but as his speed increased, my moans grew louder. Swapping between one and two fingers, he was like a pianist playing a beautiful tune. I didn’t know what to do with my hands.
Should they hold him? Should they massage him? Hell, should they just go up in the air and praise the Lord for the pleasure that he brought before me?
My eyes clenched awash in euphoria.
Dear God, what is this feeling? This is new. Really new.
I could feel his tongue on my neck, then a slight pinch from him lightly biting my skin. The man was ambidextrous, as both of his hands were put to work. While his left massaged my breast, turning my nipples to pebbles, his right was inside my pussy playing a one-manned symphony and all I could do was moan his praises. He was a modern-day renaissance man at pleasure, able to paint a beautiful sunset and sculpt at the same time.
Oh my…Oh my…FUCK ME…
My breathing increased and my heart rate skyrocketed. My moans turned into a scream, pleasure bowling through me. My body shuddered as I collapsed in his arms panting heavily.
“Do have a condom?” I moaned.
“I have one in my jeans,” he whispered in my ear.
“Follow me.”
Carlos turned off the water, and we both exited the shower and dried off. C
arlos walked back to his jeans and grabbed the condom. Once I saw the golden wrapper, I grabbed his hand and dragged him to my room in the apartment.
I shoved him on the mattress and grinned as my hand traveled down his stomach to his thick cock. I grasped his dick and stroked him softly. His eyes began to flutter as he moaned my name. I took the condom from his hand, ripped the wrapper, and rolled it down.
Before I made another move, I stopped and grinned at him, “Question for you, never have I ever had a one night stand?”
Carlos smiled at me and placed a finger down.
“Zero to one. The game is in overtime.”
“More like halftime,” I joked.
Carlos grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me deeply. His fingers ruffled my blonde hair. He kissed my collarbone, shifting, me onto my back. On top of me, he stared, taking in every inch of me. He looked at me like he didn’t see any flaws, only perfection.
“Do you trust me?” He whispered.
I nodded, a little unsure. He gave me one final kiss, then inserted himself inside me. He was gentle at first, not rushing what’s there. Allowing me to grow used to his length. It was rhythmic as he flowed in and out of me. I placed my hands on his firm ass. Like a buoy on the ocean, his member dipped in and out of me. I spread my legs wider and accepted his gift. With every second, his speed increased and I moaned more. Every sensation in me felt alive as he rocked inside me. It felt natural with him.
I know that’s what every woman says when they have sex, but this…this was real. It was passion in its truest form.
I was unable to control my body or the sounds that came out of it. I didn’t know what was happening, but I knew I wanted more of it. I would lie, cheat and steal for it.
Please let me have more.
As his wired beard grazed my cheek, his lips hovered near my ear.
“Turn around and arch up,” His voice powerful, yet soft.
I didn’t argue, as I adjusted myself in the bed for him. He rose to his knees and positioned himself behind me. A few seconds later, I felt him. ALL OF HIM.
Powerful bouts of energetic emotion filled me as I felt his skin smack against mine. Again, and again and again. Like powerful waves crashing onto a rock at a beach. I couldn’t cheer him on, tell him to go faster, or tell him how good it felt. Words like those were too complex at a time like this. I could only admit a moan as I clutched the blankets, like a life line.